Student Storage Manchester take a look at how some quick and easy money saving hacks can save you a fortune… 

Keeping on top of your money as a student can be difficult. Student loans simply don’t give you enough financial freedom to make the most of your time as a student. At Student Storage Manchester we are all about helping students save money – this is reflected in our incredibly low student storage prices. At Student Storage Manchester we guarantee to be the cheapest provider of self storage for students in the Manchester area and beyond. For this reason we have decided to put together this list of top tips for students to save money. In this list we will break down how small decisions and choices can save you a fortune during your time as a student – it wouldn’t be a student storage blog if we didn’t also look at how self storage can save you money so keep an eye out for that as well!

1) Multi-Buy Discounts

As a student you are no doubt incredibly busy, it can be difficult to balance all your academic, social and professional commitments and as a result you might miss things. Multi-buy discounts can be a massive way to save money when doing your grocery shopping. Many discount supermarkets such as Lidl will offer multi-buy discounts on a massive range of items including fresh fruit and veg. Taking advantage of these deals can help you to save money and remain healthy.

2) Student Discount

Student discount is no big secret for students but it is always worth reminding yourself on just how many savings you can make. There are thousands of products and services that offer student discount across the UK and for many retailers they won’t go out of their way to advertise this. If you have a student ID card or a student NUS type card then it is always worth asking before you purchase if a retailer offers student discount. You may be surprised at how much you can save just by asking a simple question.

3) Student Storage

Ok, as promised, we had to sneak self storage somewhere onto this list but hear us out, it’s for a good reason. Students that choose to store with Student Storage Manchester over the summer months end up saving an absolute fortune. Manchester is home to many international students and for those students to go home over the summer they often have to continue to pay high rent prices just to keep hold of their belongings. Student Storage gives students somewhere safe and secure to keep their belongings until term time starts again without paying extortionate rent prices over the summer.

4) Food Reductions

We touched on this on our multi-buy discounts point but there are ways that students can maintain a health lifestyle at a low cost. This comes in the form of food discounts, if you get to know your local grocery retailers then you should be able to figure out what time of the day they discount their food items at. This can be great for picking up items that are nearly going out of date which you can then freeze back home or use a day at a time. This can save students a small fortune especially on fresh meat and you can often see discounts from anything between 15-70% discounts.

5) Freebies

Everyone likes free things and for students you are fortunate enough to be in a group where many businesses target you to provide free products or services. Attending things like student fairs and fresher fairs can be a great way of interacting with brands, services, and businesses and stocking up on freebies. Companies like Dominoes also offer free pizzas to students during set times of the year and Amazon also provide free and discounted rates on Amazon Prime.

6) Ditch the takeaways

When you have spent a long day at University and maybe even thrown in some part time work the last thing you might want to do is come home and cook. That being said getting a takeaway can seriously ramp up your monthly out-goings. If you take advantage of multi-buy discounts and fresh food reductions you can stock up on lots of ingredients that make cooking your own food quick and easy. If you still have a weak spot for take away food then try setting aside one night of the week as a take away night and limit your spending to one night a week.

7) Get a Job (not really a money hack!)

This one isn’t really a money hack but if you feel like you are struggling for money there are numerous jobs that are ideal for students to take on around their studies. On campus alone there are often bar jobs, library jobs, shop jobs and more. In addition to this many retailers look to take on students on low hour contracts that can be flexible around your studies.

8) Plan your entertainment

This is a big one and it can save you a small fortune on a month to month basis. Long gone are the days where you’d set up Netflix and all your binge-watching needs would be taken care of in one monthly subscription payment. Now if you want to make sure you don’t miss your favourite shows you need Amazon Prime, Netflix, NowTV and soon to be Disney+ as well. To pay all of these in a month would result in an eye wateringly large subscription cost so for this reason we recommend you look at reducing the cost of your entertainment subscriptions by choosing one a month. Assign a month to Netflix, followed by Prime etc, this way you can catch up on all your favourite shows on a month-month basis.

Alternatively, you if you share student accommodation with your friends you can suggest splitting the cost between yourselves, one friend pays for Netflix, you pay for Prime, and so on. That way you don’t need to wait to watch anything and you can split the cost between multiple people.

9) Use Free Resources

The thing to remember here is that university is not free, you are paying nearly £10,000 a year for a lot of courses in the UK and as a result, you would expect some things back for free, right? Well as it would happen a lot of universities do have numerous different resources and products you can use completely free of charge. This can be as simple as space to study in and work from to free laptop rentals and free resources and support through the student unions. To find out what you can get for free while you study reach out to your university or the student union for more information.

10) Freelance

Freelancing or having a side hustle does in part fall into the same category as picking up a part time job but for many students this provides the opportunity to hone your business skills. With the increasing ease of setting up an online store on a platform like Shopify and taking advantage of dropshipping and print on demand services it has never been easier to set up a side hustle.


To find out how Student Storage Manchester can help you save even more money don’t hesitate to get in touch. If you are looking for student storage to save you money then simply head over to our student booking form to book your storage today.